Commuter Parking
Commuter parking permits are expected to go on sale August 7, 2023. Fall semester permits will be valid from Aug. 21 through Dec. 15, 2023 and will cost $160. Annual permits will be valid from Aug. 21 through May 10, 2024 and will cost $320. Commuter permits are only valid in Bellevue Lot – Green Zone.
First-year students who would like a commuter parking permit are required to submit an application to TAPS. Please use the link below to apply for an annual/fall 2023-2024 permit: Annual/Fall 2023-2024 UC Merced Freshman Exception Parking Application Please contact our office with further questions. We can be reached at 209-228-8277 or taps@ucmerced.edu.
Freshman commuters are not eligible to purchase on-campus parking permits (including kiosk permits), however, a petition may be filed for those that meet the following criteria:
- Health (Medical Exception) - A medical condition, disability or frequent and urgent visits to an off-campus health care provider that cannot be accessed through Cat Tracks. You will need to submit a letter from your health care provider on his/her office stationary detailing your diagnosis. All information provided will be kept confidential.
- Employment - Off-campus employment. Along with your resident parking application, you will need to submit your most recent pay stub and a written explanation of how your employment relates to your education. In addition, you will need to submit your most recent pay stub by the 10th day of each month as proof of your continued employment.
- Military - Meeting your military service requirements. You will need to submit a letter from your commanding officer on unit stationary with your 1) full unit designation 2) drill location and 3) a drill schedule that reflects your required attendance.
- Extreme Circumstances - Any other urgent transportation need. Having a car for convenience does not qualify for this exception. Please provide official supporting documentation.
On-Campus Resident Parking
The application process for on-campus resident parking permits are now available. Fall semester permits will be valid from Aug. 21 through Dec. 15, 2023 and will cost $200. Annual permits will be valid from Aug. 21 through May 10, 2024 and will cost $400. Resident on-campus permits are only valid in H Zones. First-year residents who would like an overnight parking permit are required to submit an application to TAPS. Please use the link below to apply for an annual/fall 2023-2024 permit: Annual/Fall 2023-2024 UC Merced On-Campus Resident Parking Application Please contact our office with further questions. We can be reached at 209-228-8277 or taps@ucmerced.edu.
Resident parking permits ("H" Zone) are available for students that live on-campus on a first-come, first-served basis. All other permit types (including kiosk permits) are not available for purchase by residents. However, a limited number of spaces have been allotted to accommodate resident parking on an exception basis. You may apply for an "H" permit if you meet one of the below exceptions:
- Health (Medical Exception) - A medical condition, disability or frequent and urgent visits to an off-campus health care provider that cannot be accessed through Cat Tracks. You will need to submit a letter from your health care provider on his/her office stationary detailing your diagnosis. All information provided will be kept confidential.
- Employment - Off-campus employment. Along with your resident parking application, you will need to submit your most recent pay stub and a written explanation of how your employment relates to your education. In addition, you will need to submit your most recent pay stub by the 10th day of each month as proof of your continued employment.
- Military - Meeting your military service requirements. You will need to submit a letter from your commanding officer on unit stationary with your 1) full unit designation 2) drill location and 3) a drill schedule that reflects your required attendance.
- Extreme Circumstances - Any other urgent transportation need. Having a car for convenience does not qualify for this exception. Please provide official supporting documentation.