Psychological Sciences aims to understand human behavior — from neurons to societies — and translate that knowledge to improve the human condition. Our Psychological Sciences Graduate Group offers doctoral training geared towards research careers in a range of settings, including universities, research institutes, private companies, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations.
Students typically complete their Ph.D. in 5-6 years during which time they work closely with faculty mentors to conduct original research focused on one or more of the following psychological disciplines: developmental psychology, health psychology, and quantitative psychology. UC Merced does not offer training in clinical psychology or related fields.
research areas
- Cognitive development
- Culture & Context in development
- Social development
- Language development
- Emotional development
- Atypical development
- Neuroscience
- Genetics
- Quality of life
- Self-regulation, coping and health
- Behavioral interventions to improve health
- Biopsychosocial process in stress
- Health risk behaviors
- Health communications and decision making
- Health of children and families
- Health disparities
- Bayesian Statistics
- Experimental and Quasi-experimental Design
- Item Response Theory
- Longitudinal statistical modeling
- Missing Data
- Multilevel Modeling
- Psychometrics/Measurement
- Sample Size Planning
- Social Network Analysis
- Structural Equation Modeling
Developmental Psychology is the study of how and why psychological processes and behavior change across the lifespan. Health psychology seeks to understand the role behavior plays in the etiology, treatment and prevention of disease and maintenance of health. Quantitative psychology creates the methods used to gather data and the statistics used to analyze them.
Before applying, each applicant is strongly encouraged to contact a Psychological Sciences faculty member in the area of research of interest and include a copy of his or her curriculum vitae when doing so. Applicants can provide their completed General Test of the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) when they apply, but this is not a requirement
The application deadline for Fall 2024 admission is December 1, 2023.
alumni name
Class of 2015
Satatium voloration pos volorem aut inuscip santur sa endignis etus, coruptatia aut fugiatis aut occullu ptatem que num exped quia volorerestia nectem a sequia et autatis. Nostiam es egi aleris noxim me vernica vividi menius in etiquam. Nostiam es egi aleris noxim me vernica patquodiu in.
alumni name
Class of 2015
Satatium voloration pos volorem aut inuscip santur sa endignis etus, coruptatia aut fugiatis aut occullu ptatem que num exped quia volorerestia nectem a sequia et autatis. Nostiam es egi aleris noxim me vernica vividi menius in etiquam. Nostiam es egi aleris noxim me vernica patquodiu in.
news highlights
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Subheading for this paragraph Satatium voloration pos volorem aut inuscip santur sa endignis etus, coruptatia aut fugiatis aut occullu ptatem que num exped quia volorerestia num exped quia volorerestia nectem a sequia et autatis et vernica autatis. Litatiorem atus blabore plate cerrum nobit. Satatium voloration pos volorem aut inuscip santur sa endignis etus fugiatis que.
Doctoral students are typically supported by teaching and research assistantships, and on occasion fellowships, which include payment of mandatory tuition and fees.