PHYSICS m.s.|pH.D.
Our research program is strongly focused on interdisciplinary collaborations, which allows us to work in both established research areas such as condensed matter; atomic, molecular and optical (AMO) physics; statistical physics; nanoscience; and astrophysics while pursuing emerging fields, including soft matter, quantum information, solar energy, and biological physics.
The researchers in our group have access to major facilities, such as state-of-the-art laser systems, computing clusters, an electron microscopy facility, a nanofabrication facility, and NMR on campus. Other large facilities, such as synchrotron light sources located at Stanford and Berkeley and the UC Lick Observatory, are a short drive away and are routinely used by students and faculty members. We also collaborate with other nearby institutions such as Lawrence Livermore and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories and UCs Davis, Santa Cruz and San Francisco.
research areas
- Astrophysics: Observational -- strong gravitational lensing constraints of dark matter, low-mass galaxy formation and evolution; Computational -- galaxy evolution, dark matter, and chemo-dynamics in the Local Universe, using high-resolution galaxy simulations, survey data and Big Data
- Experimental condensed matter: optoelectronic and photovoltaic materials, quantum sensing, nanoscience, metamaterials, strongly correlated systems, and magneto-optical phenomena
- Theoretical condensed matter and atomic physics: optoelectronic and photovoltaic materials, superfluids, superconductivity, ultra-cold atoms, quantum optics, quantum computing, and nanomechanics
- Experimental atomic, molecular and optical physics: photonic and electronic quantum information systems, ultrafast lasers
- Experimental biophysics and soft matter: single-molecule biophysics, molecular motors, bacterial motility, biomaterials, biopolymers, soft nanocomposites, active matter, liquid crystals, mechanical metamaterials, colloids and complex fluids
- Theoretical biophysics and soft matter: intrinsically disordered proteins, mechanobiology, intracellular transport, collective cellular motility, active matter, liquid crystals, fluids, self-organization and self-assembly
- Theoretical statistical physics and nonlinear dynamics: non-equilibrium systems, swarming, chaos
PHYSICS at uc merced
UC Merced offers a unique academic atmosphere that fosters interdisciplinary research — connecting physical sciences research to life sciences, chemistry and engineering. Our graduate students can pursue doctoral degrees while working on a broad range of research topics.
application information
December 15, 2023 (priority deadline, for guaranteed review)
January 15, 2024 (late applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis if space is available)
The general GRE and physics GRE are not required and not expected. Applicants may choose to submit their scores if they wish.
Note: While the M.S. is offered, admission normally is granted only to students who intend to pursue a Ph.D.
All doctoral students in good standing are guaranteed five years of full financial support, including payment of fees and tuition. Teaching assistantships normally provide initial funding that can be supplemented by research assistantships, fellowships or other forms of financial assistance including travel awards. Application fee waivers are available in cases of financial need, upon request.
alumni name
Class of 2015
Satatium voloration pos volorem aut inuscip santur sa endignis etus, coruptatia aut fugiatis aut occullu ptatem que num exped quia volorerestia nectem a sequia et autatis. Nostiam es egi aleris noxim me vernica vividi menius in etiquam. Nostiam es egi aleris noxim me vernica patquodiu in.
alumni name
Class of 2015
Satatium voloration pos volorem aut inuscip santur sa endignis etus, coruptatia aut fugiatis aut occullu ptatem que num exped quia volorerestia nectem a sequia et autatis. Nostiam es egi aleris noxim me vernica vividi menius in etiquam. Nostiam es egi aleris noxim me vernica patquodiu in.
news highlights
Subheading for this paragraph Satatium voloration pos volorem aut inuscip santur sa endignis etus, coruptatia aut fugiatis aut occullu ptatem que num exped quia volorerestia num exped quia volorerestia nectem a sequia et autatis et vernica autatis. Litatiorem atus blabore plate cerrum nobit. Satatium voloration pos volorem aut inuscip santur sa endignis etus fugiatis que.
Subheading for this paragraph Satatium voloration pos volorem aut inuscip santur sa endignis etus, coruptatia aut fugiatis aut occullu ptatem que num exped quia volorerestia num exped quia volorerestia nectem a sequia et autatis et vernica autatis. Litatiorem atus blabore plate cerrum nobit. Satatium voloration pos volorem aut inuscip santur sa endignis etus fugiatis que.