Our Faculty
John Abatzoglou
Climate variability and change; climate impacts to agriculture, water resouces, ecosystems, wildfire, human health
Email: jabatzoglou@ucmerced.edu
Hydrology, glaciology, paleoclimate, atmospheric chemistry, environmental engineering
Email: rbales@ucmerced.edu
Organizational behavior, diversity and teams, service delivery, digital platforms and the sharing economy
Email: abhappu@ucmerced.edu
Spencer Castro
Validity of reaction time and accuracy as measures of different aspects of workload, as well as quantifying the risk of adverse outcomes due to these workload metrics in driving. Cognitive modeling techniques to examine the mechanisms of attentional capacity, multitasking, and performance
Email: scastro39@ucmerced.edu
jeffrey jenkins
Human-environment geography, parks and protected areas, visitor use management, regional plannin
Email: jeff.jenkins@ucmerced.edu
catherine keske
Environmental studies, applied economics at food-water-energy nexus, land and resource management in fragile ecosystems
Email: ckeske@ucmerced.edu
Crystal A. Kolden
Characterizing and understanding wildfire intersections with the human-environment system through geospatial, temporal, and mixed-methods approaches
Email: ckolden@ucmerced.edu
tea lempiala
Innovation studies, organization theory, technological innovation processes and collaboration
Email: tlempiala@ucmerced.edu
paul maglio
Service science, human-computer interaction, distributed cognition
Email: pmaglio@ucmerced.edu
russell mcbride
Entrepreneurship, strategy, cognitive science, and the structure of social reality
Email: russ.mcbride@ucmerced.edu
Tracey Osborne
Social and political economic dimensions of climate change mitigation in tropical forests and the role of Indigenous Peoples, the politics of climate finance (with particular emphasis on carbon markets), global environmental governance, and climate equity and justice
Email: tosborne@ucmerced.edu
alexander petersen
Evolution of large multiscale socio-economic systems, applying methods from complex systems, statistical physics, management and innovation science
Email: apetersen3@ucmerced.edu
leroy westerling
Appliedclimatology, wildfire, simulation and scenario analysis, climate change impact assessment, resource management policy
Email: awesterling@ucmerced.edu
lisa yeo
Economics of information systems, security and privacy, organizational behavior
Email: lyeo2@ucmerced.edu