Facts and figures

A look into some of the numbers that demonstrate OIT's impact in 2018


Number of tacos given away during our Taco 2-FA enrollment event


Phishing emails detected and redirected by our Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection system since deployment in November 2018

Next Generation Network

Phase 1 of UC Merced’s Next Generation Network Implementation, which started in 2015, was concluded in 2018.

The campus and our remote facilities benefit from upgraded equipment and a more modern network design that allows for future growth.

Phase 2 of this project is already underway. Maintaining the infrastructure and capacity of a campus growing at such a phenomenal rate is no small feat — read on for more details!

Campus upgrades

The NGN project has been working to upgrade campus in multiple phases. This year, we upgraded most service buildings on campus.

Click the locations or the button below to learn more about which buildings were affected and how their connectivity was impacted.

Increased Wireless Coverage

Curious about the work that goes into upgrading a large-scale wireless network?

Check out the timelapse video that we captured during the Castle facility upgrade below to see our Network team in action.

Increased Total Bandwidth

As our campus grows, classroom support in particular has gotten more challenging. One OIT staff member has found a way to get around campus a little faster.

8.1 Million

Approximate number of steps

taken by our Student Technology Consultants in support of classrooms and campus technology.

(that's enough to climb Mount Everest 140 times!)


Tracked Problems & Tasks

This is an 8% decrease over last year, even through campus growth and change, and represents the improving efficiency of our services and processes.


Major projects completed by our Project Managment Office


Number of OIT pets*


Furthest continent from which researchers accessed the UC Merced Science DMZ network to perform advanced research analysis


OIT Service Desk's average customer satisfaction survey rating

1.9 Million

Successful authentications via Duo 2-Factor Authentication since inception

102 Million

Inbound emails to
UC Merced accounts
(that's 280,000 a day!)


OIT staff recognized for Years of Service


Self-Service Users

Learn about the Two-Factor Authentication Implementation Project