electrical engineering and computer science M.S. | PH.D.
UC Merced's fast-growing Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) graduate group offers individualized, research oriented courses of study.
Students pursue interdisciplinary cutting-edge reseach in EECS, leading to either master's of science or doctoral degrees. Our world class faculty members pursue research in computer engineering and electrical engineering topics.
Along with our sister campuses at Berkeley, Davis and Santa Cruz, UC Merced is part of the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS). With the support of CITRIS, EECS faculty members apply their technological innovations to solving international social problems.
electrical engineering and computer science at uc merced
If you are ready to pursue cutting-edge research in modern fields of electrical engineering and computer science, now is the time to apply. We emphasize research and preparing students for leadership positions in industrial labs, government, or academia.
research areas
- Artificial Intelligence
- Big Data Systems & Analytics
- Bioelectricity
- Biomedical Imaging
- Biomedical Optics
- Cloud Computing
- Control Systems
- Computational Neuroscience
- Computer Animation
- Computer Architecture
- Computer Graphics
- Computer Networks
- Computer Vision
- Cryptocurrency and Blockchain
- Cyber-physical Systems
- Database Systems
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Distributed Systems
- Distributed Computing
- Electrophysiology
- Embedded Networked Systems
- High Performance Computing
- Human-computer Interaction
- Humanoid Robotics
- Information-technology Management
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Image Processing
- Large-scale Data Management
- Machine Learning
- Mechatronics
- Operating Systems
- Pattern Recognition
- Physiological Engineering
- Remote and Proximate Sensing
- Renewable Energy Systems and Controls
- Robotics
- Scientific Data Analysis
- Security
- Service Science
- Speech Processing
- Telecommunications
- Theoretical Computer Science
- Unmanned Aircraft Systems
- Wireless Sensor Networks
alumni name
Class of 2015
Satatium voloration pos volorem aut inuscip santur sa endignis etus, coruptatia aut fugiatis aut occullu ptatem que num exped quia volorerestia nectem a sequia et autatis. Nostiam es egi aleris noxim me vernica vividi menius in etiquam. Nostiam es egi aleris noxim me vernica patquodiu in.
alumni name
Class of 2015
Satatium voloration pos volorem aut inuscip santur sa endignis etus, coruptatia aut fugiatis aut occullu ptatem que num exped quia volorerestia nectem a sequia et autatis. Nostiam es egi aleris noxim me vernica vividi menius in etiquam. Nostiam es egi aleris noxim me vernica patquodiu in.
news highlights
Subheading for this paragraph Satatium voloration pos volorem aut inuscip santur sa endignis etus, coruptatia aut fugiatis aut occullu ptatem que num exped quia volorerestia num exped quia volorerestia nectem a sequia et autatis et vernica autatis. Litatiorem atus blabore plate cerrum nobit. Satatium voloration pos volorem aut inuscip santur sa endignis etus fugiatis que.
Subheading for this paragraph Satatium voloration pos volorem aut inuscip santur sa endignis etus, coruptatia aut fugiatis aut occullu ptatem que num exped quia volorerestia num exped quia volorerestia nectem a sequia et autatis et vernica autatis. Litatiorem atus blabore plate cerrum nobit. Satatium voloration pos volorem aut inuscip santur sa endignis etus fugiatis que.
Each doctoral student receives a stipend of $24,000 (includes tuition, fees and health insurance) per year. Students in good standing are eligible for year-round financial support, including payment of fees and tuition. Students are typically supported by teaching and research assistantships, which can be supplemented by fellowships, awards and other forms of financial assistance.